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The Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Symbols, Icons, Dove, Yahweh, Lamb of God represented by iconography and symbols representing the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is represented by the Dove, God the Son is represented by the Lamb of God symbolizing Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and the Hand of God writing on the wall as spoken of in the book of Daniel.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 426 × 500
S 1021 × 1200
M 2383 × 2800
MAX 3234 × 3800

The Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Symbols, Icons, Dove, Yahweh, Lamb of God represented by iconography and symbols representing the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is represented by the Dove, God the Son is represented by the Lamb of God symbolizing Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and the Hand of God writing on the wall as spoken of in the book of Daniel.

Product Properties

Product ID 448997
Location Church