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The Samaritan woman at the well, taking care of the sheep.

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Bas van den Eijkhof Partner since January 2022


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The Samaritan woman at the well, taking care of the sheep.

woman well water living water parabel mercy love spiritual food teacher samaritan woman biblical woman john 4 jacob's well conversation with jesus living water christian history biblical story ancient palestine middle eastern woman water jug well divine encounter revelation transformation faith understanding jesus christ salvation grace divine love redemption evangelism testimony divine truth forgiveness repentance spiritual awakening divine revelation new testament the gospel story biblical figure female disciple conversion biblical scene bible narrative spiritual journey witness discipleship woman of faith life-changing encounter divine dialogue christ's teachings thirst quencher spiritual understanding scripture testament of faith witness of christ believer spiritual enlightenment cultural interaction divine mercy acceptance christian imagery gospel of john spiritual thirst salvation message spiritual liberation wells of salvation gospel message christ and women compassionate christ washing hands sheep broad daylight lambs hot weather israel ishamael ruth bucket tiktok youtube instagram thumbnail cover book website hero image header banner backdrop background event conference blogpost newsletter journal presentation chapter overview prophetic illustrative bible story scripture reference cinematic wideshot epic storyline bible story tiktok youtube instagram thumbnail cover book website hero image header banner backdrop background event conference blogpost newsletter journal presentation calender fiction novel chapter overview prophetic illustrative bible story scripture reference cinematic wideshot epic storyline bible story woman lost and found the one going after treasure earthen vessels

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Product ID 879628