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A carved relief of Jesus and angels on a stone carving representing a Mayan or Aztec carving of Jesus on the cross. The light of the world has reached every corner of the earth including different civilizations and peoples so it is refreshing to see that Christ can be seen even in different art forms that we may not be familiar with, proving that the gospel has reached the farthest corners of the world and reached souls who long for the love of a savior.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 375 × 500
S 900 × 1200
M 2100 × 2800
MAX 2850 × 3800

A carved relief of Jesus and angels on a stone carving representing a Mayan or Aztec carving of Jesus on the cross. The light of the world has reached every corner of the earth including different civilizations and peoples so it is refreshing to see that Christ can be seen even in different art forms that we may not be familiar with, proving that the gospel has reached the farthest corners of the world and reached souls who long for the love of a savior.

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Product ID 403402