A young man sitting alone in a booth in a cafe decorated for Christmas surrounded by lights, color, televisions, music and activity while sitting alone in solitude with his smart phone. How often do we take relationships for granted in this day and age of moving pictures, sound, multimedia and technology. It is not technology that satisfies the soul but a relationship with Jesus Christ. How many people today are surrounded by computers, televisions, movies, smart phones and technology but it does not satisfy or fulfill the needs for a savior in the form of Jesus Christ. The holidays can be a lonely time for many who are looking for something to fulfill their lives but it can only be found through Christ. 
This holiday season, tell others about Jesus, invite them to church, show them friendship and make them feel loved and appreciated for this is what the Christmas season is all about, a man named Jesus who longs to fill our needs and bring us back to a relationship with HIm.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 281
S 1200 × 675
M 2800 × 1575
MAX 4000 × 2250

A young man sitting alone in a booth in a cafe decorated for Christmas surrounded by lights, color, televisions, music and activity while sitting alone in solitude with his smart phone. How often do we take relationships for granted in this day and age of moving pictures, sound, multimedia and technology. It is not technology that satisfies the soul but a relationship with Jesus Christ. How many people today are surrounded by computers, televisions, movies, smart phones and technology but it does not satisfy or fulfill the needs for a savior in the form of Jesus Christ. The holidays can be a lonely time for many who are looking for something to fulfill their lives but it can only be found through Christ.
This holiday season, tell others about Jesus, invite them to church, show them friendship and make them feel loved and appreciated for this is what the Christmas season is all about, a man named Jesus who longs to fill our needs and bring us back to a relationship with HIm.

Product Properties

Product ID 590303
Location Virginia