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A Picnic Table Cover Bench Cover with the all too familiar checkered stripe pattern of red and white that you see on old fashioned picnic tables at churches, family gatherings and neighborhood barbecues. Nothing speaks of the good ol outdoors in summertime like a picnic and this design pattern is reminiscent of Americana just like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting that reminds us of summer, the great outdoors and family dinners around the picnic table.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 375
S 1200 × 900
M 2800 × 2100
MAX 3648 × 2736

A Picnic Table Cover Bench Cover with the all too familiar checkered stripe pattern of red and white that you see on old fashioned picnic tables at churches, family gatherings and neighborhood barbecues. Nothing speaks of the good ol outdoors in summertime like a picnic and this design pattern is reminiscent of Americana just like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting that reminds us of summer, the great outdoors and family dinners around the picnic table.

Product Properties

Product ID 402208
Location Mount Dora, Florida