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A young man and woman couple fellowships together taking time away from their busy schedule to catch up on life and talk about daily life. The art of conversation captured from a different angle. One wonders what these two were talking about as the world went on around them.  The beautiful thing about photography is it captures a moment in time that we may never experience again.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 376
S 1200 × 901
M 2330 × 1750

A young man and woman couple fellowships together taking time away from their busy schedule to catch up on life and talk about daily life. The art of conversation captured from a different angle. One wonders what these two were talking about as the world went on around them. The beautiful thing about photography is it captures a moment in time that we may never experience again.

Product Properties

Product ID 73439
Location Richmond, Virginia