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A colorful collection of colored paper and sticky notes adorning someone's work desk. Computers may be the tool of the day but there is nothing like a good colorful sticky note to serve as a reminder or note in this day of busy schedules, appointments and calendars to stand out and catch the eye and remind us of those special dates and appointments that make up our daily lives. Something about color helps us slow down and appreciate the beauty in the world among a seas of business.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 399 × 500
S 957 × 1200
M 2233 × 2800
MAX 3190 × 4000

A colorful collection of colored paper and sticky notes adorning someone's work desk. Computers may be the tool of the day but there is nothing like a good colorful sticky note to serve as a reminder or note in this day of busy schedules, appointments and calendars to stand out and catch the eye and remind us of those special dates and appointments that make up our daily lives. Something about color helps us slow down and appreciate the beauty in the world among a seas of business.

Product Properties

Product ID 743492
Location The WorkPlace