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A gathering of dark gray clouds from a coming storm filling up a clear gray sky. Storms are not something we look forward to but are very much a part of life. The storms may be frightening, dark and scary but there is one who caused the storms of the sea and the storms of life to be still, His name is Jesus. The Prince of Peace who can calm any storm with just a spoken word. The disciples asked 'what manner of man is this that even the seas obey Him'. He was who He said He was, the son of God who can quiet any storm you and I will ever experience.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 281
S 1200 × 675
M 2800 × 1575
MAX 4000 × 2250

A gathering of dark gray clouds from a coming storm filling up a clear gray sky. Storms are not something we look forward to but are very much a part of life. The storms may be frightening, dark and scary but there is one who caused the storms of the sea and the storms of life to be still, His name is Jesus. The Prince of Peace who can calm any storm with just a spoken word. The disciples asked 'what manner of man is this that even the seas obey Him'. He was who He said He was, the son of God who can quiet any storm you and I will ever experience.

Product Properties

Product ID 745375
Location Florida