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sunlight peeking from behind the clouds at sunset . Purple Majesty - A golden sunset  fills the sky with blue, purple, yellow, orange and gold colors as the sun sets over a calm and peaceful lake surrounded by beaches, sand and wet marshland for birds siignifying the end of another day.  Just like an Easter Sunrise, a sunset can be a powerful reminder of who put the lights in the sky and calms the water and who is in control of and the author of every living thing bowing in majesty to the Creator of all the Heavens and the Earth, Jesus Christ.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 281
S 1200 × 675
M 2800 × 1575
MAX 4000 × 2250

sunlight peeking from behind the clouds at sunset . Purple Majesty - A golden sunset fills the sky with blue, purple, yellow, orange and gold colors as the sun sets over a calm and peaceful lake surrounded by beaches, sand and wet marshland for birds siignifying the end of another day. Just like an Easter Sunrise, a sunset can be a powerful reminder of who put the lights in the sky and calms the water and who is in control of and the author of every living thing bowing in majesty to the Creator of all the Heavens and the Earth, Jesus Christ.

Product Properties

Product ID 699149
Location Central Florida