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Three weathered and rusting iron nails on a wood block representing the nails of Christ that were used to crucify Jesus on the cross. One nail for each wrist and one for His feet. A realistic image and reminder of the agonizing death of the Cross that the Roman army loved to use to intimidate their enemies and make a show of their power. The beauty of the Cross is that the death of Jesus but how Jesus rose from the dead three days later, just as He Said He would do.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 340
S 1200 × 817
M 2800 × 1906
MAX 5728 × 3900

Three weathered and rusting iron nails on a wood block representing the nails of Christ that were used to crucify Jesus on the cross. One nail for each wrist and one for His feet. A realistic image and reminder of the agonizing death of the Cross that the Roman army loved to use to intimidate their enemies and make a show of their power. The beauty of the Cross is that the death of Jesus but how Jesus rose from the dead three days later, just as He Said He would do.

Product Properties

Product ID 635633
Location Golgotha