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Life among the ruins - A white flower blooms among the ruins of a dead pile of logs in the background. Life tends to bloom and stretch in the oddest places. A flower can bloom in the desert when given enough water to survive. We are often blooms in a deserted land when we strive to bloom in a dead and dying world that knows little about the love of God.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 375
S 1200 × 900
M 3264 × 2448

Life among the ruins - A white flower blooms among the ruins of a dead pile of logs in the background. Life tends to bloom and stretch in the oddest places. A flower can bloom in the desert when given enough water to survive. We are often blooms in a deserted land when we strive to bloom in a dead and dying world that knows little about the love of God.

Product Properties

Product ID 68398
Location Mount Dora, Florida